Ways to Improvise With Cocktails
Want to make cocktails, but your pantry is running low? Cocktail experts Laura Panter and Michelle P.E. Hunt share easy substitutions for some of their favourite cocktail recipes, plus ideas for getting creative in your kitchen or at your home bar. Happy mixing!
Spirit Swap
A “sour” is a category of cocktails that combines a spirit, a citrus and a sweetener. Love this Honey Whisky Sour but missing the whisky? Switch it out for gin, vodka or tequila for an equally delicious cocktail.
Herb Substitutions
Mojitos are the staple of any summer cocktail repertoire. No mint? No problem. Try creating a modern version of this classic cocktail using basil, tarragon or a combination of both. No muddler? Use a wooden spoon to crush your ingredients. Put together a classic or try this twist.
Sweeteners and Ice
Many recipes call for simple syrup. But if you have run out of sugar because you have been doing too much baking, you can substitute with honey or maple syrup. Just make sure to thin them out with a little bit of hot water (1 tsp water per 1 oz syrup). This reduces their sweetness and prevents them from clumping. Need to make crushed ice? Roll ice cubes in a tea towel and then strike with a spoon, potato masher or even a small hammer. Any leftover crushed cubes can be stored in a lidded bowl in the freezer. Try these tips with our Sherry Cobbler.
Batch Cocktails
If you plan on making a batch of cocktails but don’t have a punch bowl, you can premix and pour them into smaller Mason jars or empty jam jars, including any fruit. Store in the fridge. Add ice, seal and shake for instant mini cocktail shakers! Remove the lids, and you have individual cocktails. Try these tips with our Seaside Sangria.