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Pie Cookies
Autumn 2024
Makes 4 to 6 pie cookies
Assemble four to six (70 or 86 mm in diam. each) canning rings and lids so you have the metal lids sides facing upward. Lightly oil the insides and bottoms. Unroll or “unshell” a store-bought prepared pastry dough circle onto a floured surface. Cut circles, each about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wider than the prepared lids. Slowly work and shimmy these pastry circles into each prepared lid (essentially, each is like a mini pie dish) and evenly press up the sides. Trim the edges along the rims. Fill each with a scant 2 to 3 tbsp (30 to 45 mL) of your favourite jam. If jam is runny, use the lower amount. Cut a remaining unrolled or “unshelled” pastry circle into shapes or strips for lattice and decorate the tops of the jam-filled pastries. Lightly brush with milk. Set pies on a baking sheet. Bake in centre of a preheated 350°F (177°C) oven until lightly golden, about 20 minutes.
Makes 4 to 6 pie cookies