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Highland Cooler

Highland Cooler

Early Summer 2007

By: James Chatto

Queen Victoria's consort, Prince Albert, loved the rugged culture of the Scottish highlands. After his death, the Queen also found solace there. Did she occasionally sip a Highland Cooler - a cocktail later immortalized by Harry Craddock, barkeep of London's Savoy hotel, in his 1930 bible of mixology, The Savoy Cocktail Book? No one's saying. It's a long, summer version of a Whisky Sour and it tastes delicious. Craddock's recipe is a tad potent for modern Canadian tastes: I've adapted it to serve 2.

Serves 2

1 tsp powdered sugar
Juice of ½ a lemon
4 dashes Angostura bitters
4 oz Scotch whisky
2 ice cubes
Ginger ale

1. In a cocktail shaker, stir the sugar, lemon juice, bitters and whisky until the sugar is dissolved.

2. Put a cube of ice into each of 2 tall glasses. Pour half the whisky mixture into each. Top up with chilled ginger ale.

Serves 2
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