Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate / The genesis of the 100-point scoring system, The Wine Advocate is one of the USA’s most trusted resources for high-end wine reviews and education, with thousands of critiques and articles that dive deep into regions, wineries, winemakers and more.
Decanter / Decanter is the UK’s oldest and most reliable wine resource, boasting an impressive number of masters of wine (MW) on its staff. Consumers, trade partners, agents and collectors have put their faith in Decanter for almost 50 years.
Wine Enthusiast / One of the largest monthly publications for wine, lifestyle, cuisine and more, Wine Enthusiast is an excellent resource not just for wines available in the North American market but also for local restaurants, travel ideas, recipe inspiration, and deals on products to elevate your wine- drinking experience.
James Suckling / One of the most recognizable names in wine (and cigars), James Suckling has been an informative source on quality products for over 40 years. With staff in countries all around the world, is a great place to find interviews with acclaimed winemakers and stay up to date on current vintages.
WineAlign / Canada’s premier wine-review website focuses on the wines of Ontario, British Columbia and other emerging Canadian regions, and also covers international wines. Reviews by some of our nation’s brightest wine and food personalities are found at WineAlign, including former Toronto chef Michael Godel; sommelier and contest judge Sarah d’Amato; and Canada’s first master sommelier, John Szabo, MS.
International magazines / For those with an affinity for wines from a particular area, it may be best to trust the voices that are closest to the source. Much like we trust WineAlign for Canadian wines, you can trust in Descorchados for the wines of Chile, Wine Orbit for New Zealand, Winestate for Australia, or Falstaff for the wines of Germany and Austria, to name a few.
Wine contests / Some scores aren’t awarded by a single critic but are aggregated scores given by a panel of judges. There are many contests all around the world that promote the wines of a specific sub-region, but there are also big-time international competitions such as the Decanter World Wine Awards or International Wine Challenge that compare wines from similar price ranges to give a fair appraisal.