Small Wonders

After a long winter, the first appearance of microgreens is a welcome sign of warmer days ahead. The tender young shoots are packed with goodness and crunch–perfect for dialing up freshness in some favourite dishes.

Double-Mustard Monte Cristo Sandwiches

New-Style Broccoli & Beef Stir-Fry

Chilaquiles-Style Breakfast with Radish Microgreens

Next-Level Margherita Pizza

Miraculous Microgreens

Microgreens are available at local grocery stores, and you’ll find even more options at gourmet and health food stores. Learn about their varying flavours and how to cook with them. Be sure to wash your microgreens thoroughly before using.

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1. Radish

These brightly coloured pink/purple stemmed greens add crunch and spicy zip to everything from egg salad sandwiches to tacos.

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2. Arugula

Earthy and peppery, arugula microgreens pack big flavour punch. Add to quiches, smoothies or use in a sandwich or as a pizza topper.

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3. Mustard

Spicy and zesty, these unique greens are almost wasabi or horseradish like in flavour. Add to curry and stew or for a fun twist, use in place of mustard in a sandwich.

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4. Broccoli

These mildly bittersweet greens add a subtle and unique touch when used as a garnish or incorporated into salad or quiche.

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5. Blends

Incorporate a range of flavours, colours and textures by adding a mix of microgreens to your cooking, including soups and stir-fries. Here, you’ll find an Asian Blend of mizuna, pak-choi, kohlrabi, and Tokyo bekana.