10 Impressive Cocktail Garnishes

When it comes to cocktails, elevation is in the details, especially a good garnish. These ideas go beyond just looking pretty.
They can be used in a myriad of ways, perfect for upping your home entertaining game.

Raiding the Garden

The garden is full of gorgeous things to garnish a cocktail, but the credit is yours in exchange for the tending.
Try these garnish ideas with Cutwater Caesar or Matt & Steve’s Caesar Sipper.

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1. Shaved Radishes & Baby Beets

Newly harvested radishes and small beets are soaked in ice water to create this fascinator for cocktails. It’s particularly great on savoury cocktails. Think anything with a salted rim, but especially cocktails and mocktails made with carrot, celery or cold-pressed veggie juice.
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2. Cherry Tomato and Basil Cluster

Cherry tomatoes are one of the first kinds to ripen. They love to hang out with basil, so it only makes sense to bring them together with any tomato- or Clamato-based cocktail. The vine is a must, because the only thing that smells more like a tomato is the plant on which it grows.
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Radical Rims

Sometimes a cocktail rim is about adding another layer of flavour. Other times, it’s all about stopping everyone in their tracks.
Try these rimmer ideas with Jose Cuervo Authentic Tropical Paradise Margarita or Absolut Cocktails Vodka Mojito.


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3. Dirty Ice

Not actually dirty, but dirty like a modern Martini. A drink with a little extra something-something. Instead of rimming your glasses, tell guests you were so dazzled by your glass-like clear ice cubes, you rimmed them instead. This magic works on any drink really—rimmed or dusted.
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4. Around the Bend Rimmer

Foam-topped cocktails are often dusted with a dry garnish, but why stop at the top? Probably because you’d spill your drink if you tried to dust the side, too, but we’ve sorted that little dilemma for you. You’re so very welcome.
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5. The Straight and Narrow Rimmer

Turn things around by rimming a glass vertically instead of horizontally. You know that thing where you tell someone to do one thing and they do the opposite? It’s like that, but better because this is what you wanted all along.
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Tropical Vibes are Here

Summer’s heat is an invitation to indulge in a little far-away fantasy. Try these ideas with Malibu Pineapple Bay Breeze.

6. The Inside/ Outside Wrap

Tropical drinks are perfectly at home in our steamy Ontario summers. Trick out any fruit-based cocktail by wrapping your glass inside and out with pool-side vibes. No need to board a plane—paradise is right here.
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7. Tropical Leaf Cutout

Picture this: you’re at a fancy hotel bar somewhere in the tropics. It’s peak-sun out there, but the vibe inside is dark and sultry. Overhead fans lazily whir above your head. This is the garnish in your glass, no matter if you’re a sweet or savoury sort.
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Twisted (New Ways with an Old Fave)

Remember when a fancy twist of citrus peel was cool? It’s ok—neither do we. It was a very long time ago.
Try these ideas with Seagram 13 Cosmopolitan or Blue Lobster Vodka Soda Blueberry Lemon.

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8. Citrus Moon

If you’re still curling your citrus peel like an ’80s perm, you’re doing it wrong. Enter the Citrus Moon, the twist’s effortlessly cool cousin. It’s perfect slipped into an aperitivo or spritz around sunset, and proof you know what's up.
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9. Lime Sun

Some would argue that the proliferation of instructional videos from amateur enthusiasts will bring about our end, but the Lime Sun is here to argue otherwise. It just might bring happiness instead. Use it anywhere you would a lime wheel or wedge.
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10. Citrus Peel Confetti

There’s no celebration that isn’t improved by confetti. Turn something you’d normally toss in the garbage into edible confetti with a paper hole punch and a little time. Perfect in a G&T, Paloma, and everywhere else a citrus peel would work.
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