Not actually dirty, but dirty like a modern Martini. A drink with a little extra something-something. Instead of rimming your glasses, tell guests you were so dazzled by your glass-like clear ice cubes, you rimmed them instead. This magic works on any drink really—rimmed or dusted.
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Foam-topped cocktails are often dusted with a dry garnish, but why stop at the top? Probably because you’d spill your drink if you tried to dust the side, too, but we’ve sorted that little dilemma for you. You’re so very welcome.
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Turn things around by rimming a glass vertically instead of horizontally. You know that thing where you tell someone to do one thing and they do the opposite? It’s like that, but better because this is what you wanted all along.
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If you’re still curling your citrus peel like an ’80s perm, you’re doing it wrong. Enter the Citrus Moon, the twist’s effortlessly cool cousin. It’s perfect slipped into an aperitivo or spritz around sunset, and proof you know what's up.
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Some would argue that the proliferation of instructional videos from amateur enthusiasts will bring about our end, but the Lime Sun is here to argue otherwise. It just might bring happiness instead. Use it anywhere you would a lime wheel or wedge.
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There’s no celebration that isn’t improved by confetti. Turn something you’d normally toss in the garbage into edible confetti with a paper hole punch and a little time. Perfect in a G&T, Paloma, and everywhere else a citrus peel would work.
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